Primal Freeze Dried Chicken Dog Food (14 oz size)

Primal Freeze Dried Chicken Dog Food (14 oz size)

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154Primal Freeze Dried Chicken Dog Food ( lb size)
153Primal Freeze Dried Chicken Dog Food (5.5 oz size)

Benefits of Primal Freeze-Dried Chicken formula dog food:
  • Fresh chicken for superior levels of amino and essential fatty acids
  • Organic and unrefined nutritional supplements without the use of synthetics
  • Finely ground, fresh chicken bones for optimum levels of calcium
  • Vitamin E as an antioxidant
  • Organic produce for food-derived vitamins A, B-complex, C and D
  • Organic coconut oil for short and medium-chain saturated fatty acids
  • Salmon oil for essential omega-3 fatty acids
Every product in the Primal Pet Foods lineup is produced using the highest quality ingredients, including 100% antibiotic- and steroid-free USDA edible-grade meats, poultry, and game in addition to certified organic produce and unrefined vitamins and minerals. Primal Formulas, Mixes and Grinds are made with fresh, antibiotic- and steroid-free whole muscle meat, organ meat and meaty bones with no added hormones. This combination of high-quality protein provides the essential amino acids, fatty acids, active enzymes and natural-source calcium necessary to support the overall health of your pet.
Crude Protein (min) 37%Crude Fat (min) 37%Crude Fiber (max) 1%Moisture (max) 2%Ash (max) 10%

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