Facebook Deals

This is the first of four articles that identify ways you can market your business via Facebook.

Facebook Deals are free to create.  You create a “deal” that folks can see on their smartphones upon checking into your store.   Deals are a way to reward your customers for coming to the store.

There are 4 types of deals to choose from.

  • Individual Deal – Reward individual customers when they check in at your business.  Best for simple discounts or gifts with purchase.
  • Friend Deal – Reward groups of customers when they check in together.  Help spread the word about your business more rapidly.
  • Loyalty Deal – Reward customers for visiting your business a certain number of times, similar to a punch card.
  • Charity Deal – Pledge to donate to a charity of your choice when customers check in at your business.  A win-win for everyone.

In each of these scenarios you define the offer, and identify to users how to claim the offer (Present this screen to cashier upon check out if they must purchase something, or just present to cashier).  You can identify the number of check-in’s required in order to claim the reward.  You can can set dates and max redemptions or make it unlimited.

We suggest our clients create Facebook Deals.   They can be simple, (ex: check in on Facebook and receive a fee dog biscuit at check out); or Save $5 off your purchase of $25;  Save $10 off your $75 purchase; or Buy x Get x Free; 20% off any purchase over $10.  It’s up to you.

The value of Deals – Deals gives you the power to acquire and retain customers, as well as market your business.

Interested in creating a deal for your business?  Let us know!  We’ll work with you to create the perfect deal for your business.


Get customers – More than 200 million active Facebook mobile users are hitting the streets and looking to discover what’s happening around them. Because deals appear on mobile phones when people are nearby,  offering a deal can generate exposure for your

business and help you reach new and existing customers. Give people a reason to stop by your business and make a purchase.


Spread the word – Word travels fast. Each Facebook user has 130 friends on average, which means that if someone checks in to your business and you’re offering a deal, her friends will hear about it through word of mouth marketing and the organic stories that

are generated on Facebook. Deals have arrived, and for good reason–people like to buy and save together.


Build loyalty – On average, Facebook users visit the site 28 times a month and they are always on the hunt for what’s new. Focus on building relationships with your most loyal customers. Remember that loyal customers generate repeat business for you. In addition, they influence the purchase decisions of those around them. Keep people coming back and re-discovering what you have to offer

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