10 Tips To Create Great Headlines

You only have a split second to grab potential readers’ attention with your headlines, so you should make them as interesting and intriguing as possible. Otherwise, you lose them and they’ll never make it through your article to your call-to-action.

Here are four examples how to make your headlines intriguing:

Tip 1: Tell a secret

Everyone likes to know that they’re getting some insider information from an expert, so next time, try letting them in on the scoop. For example, if you’re a golf professional you could write an article with the headline: “The secret to a perfect golf swing.”

Tip 2: Hop on the bandwagon

Your readers like to feel included in something, so bring them on board with a headline that shows they’re a part of a greater group. For example, if you’re a boutique selling messenger bags, your article’s headline could read: “Who else wants to know what bags are in vogue this summer?”

Tip 3: Don’t miss out

If you make your headlines urgent and timely, you can usually spark your readers’ curiosity. For example, if you’re a residential swimming pool installer, you could write your headline to read: “Only 5 more days to take advantage of our half-off summer installation special.”

Tip 4: Build a list

Humans naturally love and respond to order. Lists are a great way to leverage that love. You can use top 10 lists, best of/worst of lists, or any other list you can think of! For example, if you’re a professional photographer you could write your headline to read: “The top 10 most picturesque wedding destinations.”

Making your headlines valuable

There’s no substitute to paying it forward with valuable blog articles, and the headline is the best place to showcase the value. The more valuable information you provide free-of-charge through your blog posts, the more engagement you’ll see with your readership. Readers will share your posts via social media, resulting in more exposure and traffic.

Here are three examples of how to make your headlines valuable:

Tip 5: Show results

Make your headline all about the results your readers get by reading and acting upon your post. For example, if you’re a skincare expert, your headline could read: “Noticeable wrinkle reduction after only 5 uses of Product X – See the results.”

Tip 6: Save time

With everyone being so busy nowadays, saving a couple minutes here and there is really valuable to most people. Show the value of shaving some time off of a typically arduous task. For example, if you sell luxury sheets and bed linens, your headline could read: “Save 5 minutes making your bed every day with these tips.”

Tip 7: Save money

Value is sometimes conveyed through dollars and cents saved or earned by doing something. Use that to your advantage. For example, if you sell HVAC systems, your headline could be: “5 ways to reduce your household energy bill this summer.”

Making your headlines helpful

When people use search engines, most of the time they’re looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. Sometimes the problems are complex, sometimes they’re rather simple. Sometimes the problems are directly related to the products/services you sell. If you can publish helpful articles with headlines and copy that are solution-oriented, you’re likely to get more traffic as a result.

Here are three examples of how to make your headlines helpful:

Tip 8: Teach a man to fish

When looking for problem solving information, what’s more helpful than a “how-to” article? These headlines are perfect for attracting an audience of do-it-yourselfers. For example, if you own a car-care product line, your headline could read: “How to properly wax your vehicle to get a perfect glossy finish.”

Tip 9: Be a good tipper

Headlines that contain helpful tips are an effective way to grab attention. Tips also save time so you could also file this one under the “valuable headline” category. For example, if you sell lamps, your headline could read: “5 helpful tips for choosing the right lamp for your living room.”

Tip 10: Fix a nagging issue

No one likes a thorn in their side. If there’s a persistent problem that you often hear about that you can quickly address, then do so with a helpful headline and article. For example, if you’re a marriage counselor, your article could be titled: “Stop fighting about money – Start living a happy life.”

You’ll need to continually test these different types of headlines to determine which are most effective at generating traffic, leads, customers, shares, comments, and other types of engagement. No two audiences are exactly the same; they might share a lot in common but they’ll all respond differently. Use a tool like BoostSuite to start testing your pages’ headline effectiveness immediately. You can also share your awesome articles with other marketers in exchange for relevant backlinks!

By adding intrigue, value, and helpfulness to your web page headlines, you’re more likely to attract more qualified visitors from the organic search results. Next time you write a blog article, try using one of these headline tips, make it relevant to your business, and let us know the results!

Source: Ryan Kettler is Director of Communications for BoostSuite, the collaborative marketing tool for small businesses.

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